community care
At Lifepassion Church we are devoted followers of Jesus, we love God and value the integrity of His Word. We live to serve each other, lovingly supporting each individual to see them fulfill their God-given purpose. We believe that together we can reach our community and beyond with the gospel and see God’s power and presence outworked through the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
FoodCare is an initiative and community welfare arm of Bay City Care that will bring assistance to any persons who are homeless, unemployed, sole parents or otherwise disadvantaged. FoodCare is a not-for-profit organisation that works collaboratively with the community, government, non-government agencies and churches to address a range of social and immediate issues.
The Community FoodCare Program provides grocery hampers for a nominal service and handling fee along with free fruit, vegetables, and bread weekly to every family and low-income individual with a concession benefit card who are facing a crisis or financial hardship.
The Bay City Care Arncliffe Community FoodCare Program has around 1100 people who are currently members and supports over 80 families and individuals per week.
Lifepassion Church will partner with Bay City Care to administer the FoodCare program in 2020 at our Church’s premises. Preparations are currently underway and we are looking for volunteers leading up to the opening of FoodCare Botany to assist once a week approximately between 9.30am to 2pm.
To find out more or to get involved, please contact us.